A journey through time
Historical Timeline
Olmec Civilisation (1500–400 BCE): The Olmecs were among the first Mesoamerican societies to cultivate cacao. Archaeological evidence suggests that they consumed cacao in a beverage form, possibly as part of rituals or ceremonies.
Maya Civilisation (c. 250–900 CE): The Maya people considered cacao a divine gift and referred to it as "kakaw." They consumed it in a bitter, frothy beverage mixed with spices, chili peppers, and sometimes honey. Cacao was central to Maya religious ceremonies and was believed to have mystical properties, connecting mortals with the divine.
Aztec Civilisation (c. 1345–1521 CE): Building upon the traditions of the Maya, the Aztecs also revered cacao as a sacred substance. They called it "xocolātl" and believed it had nourishing and energizing qualities. Cacao beverages were consumed during religious rituals and as a symbol of abundance and fertility.
European Influence (16th Century CE): Following the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire in the early 16th century, cacao made its way to Europe. There, it underwent transformation with the addition of sugar, leading to the creation of the sweetened chocolate we are familiar with today.